Hello! I'm Wemi and this is my personal porfolio.

About Me

A little bit about me

My name is Wemi Ibidun and I'm aspiring to become a full stack web developer. I'm currently enrolled in the Women in Technology (WIT) program, where i'm learning different programming languages such as Python,Javascript, SQL amongst others. I created this online portfolio to showcase my work experience, skills and education. Feel free to contact me

View My Resume

My Skills


I use HTML to build the structure and layout of any webpage


I use CSS to style and format my webpage in order to give it a unique outlook.


I use Python to create simple applications for my users.


I use Github for collaboration and also to share some of the projects that I have done

My Education

Full Stack Web Development

Women in Technology | Apr 2021 - Oct 2021

The full stack web development course is a programme that trains women on how to code. I am learning different frameworks for design and different programming languages

Masters In Information Systems

Linnaeus University | 2017 - 2018

I had my Masters degree in Sweden. The Information Technology programme exposed me to information systems management, project and research implementation.

Bachelors in Electrical Engineering

Obafemi Awolowo University | 2007 - 2012

My bachelors degree was in Electrical Engineering. This exposed me to the basics of programming such as data structures, variables, data types, amongst others.

My Work Expericence

Transaction Specialist

Shareworks by Morgan Stanley | 2018 - 2021

  • Provided advisory for first time home buyers, personal bankruptcy, etc.
  • Helped clients to rebuild and redisburse their shares in situations where there is a failed delivery or fraud.

IT Support

NIMC | 2014-2015

  • Provided timely response to IT related requests.
  • Monitored and analyzed system and business integration issues.

IT Support Engineer

FRCN | 2011-2012

  • Provided resolution to support requests from users.
  • Responsible for troubleshooting technical issues.

Let's Connect!

If you ever want to grab a coffee/bubble tea (virtually) or just want a quick chat - you can find me on social media or you can send me a message here!

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