Ledaloh Calculation Page

Leap Year Checker

The leap year checker, checks if any given year is a leap year or not


  • Enter the year you would like to check in the text box below
  • Numbers can only be 4 digits
  • Numbers should be written in this format: YYYY e.g (2021)
  • Click on the "check" button to display the output in the browser window

D-day Counter

The D-day counter, displays how many days are left between today and a given date


  • Enter the day you would like to check in the text box below
  • Date should be written in this format: YYYY-MM-DD e.g 2021-07-30
  • Date is checked from today (previous days are not allowed)
  • Click on the "check" button to display the output in the browser window

Lotto 649 Number Generator

The lotto 649 generator, generates six random numbers between 1-49 in ascending order

Click the "generate" buton below to see your lotto numbers

Height/Weight Checker

The height or weight checker converts a user's height from cm to feet and inches and also converts weight from kg to pounds


  • To know your height (in ft and inches), enter your height (in cm) in the height box e.g (174)
  • To know your weight (in cm), enter your weight in the weight box e.g (80)
  • The "check" button will display either your height and weight in the browser window